Paulette Hamilton Labour MP for Birmingham Erdington
On Wednesday 29th March 2023, the Government published the appeal outcome relating to the old HSBC bank building, overturning the decision of Birmingham City Council and the wishes of local people who have campaigned hard to stop another betting shop opening on Erdington High Street.
Commenting on the decision, Paulette Hamilton MP said:
“I’m disappointed to learn that an appeal made to the Government by gambling bosses to open another betting shop on Erdington High Street has been allowed, despite the huge opposition from local people.
“The decision will come as a blow for people in Erdington who have joined me in relentlessly campaigning to secure improvements for our local High Street. This is yet another example of the Government getting its priorities completely wrong after they rejected our £11million Levelling-Up bid earlier this year that would have transformed Erdington High Street.
“Our High Street has so much potential and needs investment, but we are constantly being let down by the Government. They have shown whose side they’re really on.
“Despite this setback, I will continue to work alongside local people and businesses to find solutions in securing the investment our High Street so desperately needs.”