Paulette Hamilton Labour MP for Birmingham Erdington
Paulette Hamilton has submitted an objection to the planning application to convert a family home in Kingstanding into a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO).
Below is the full text of Paulette’s letter:
Planning Committee
Birmingham City Council
Council House
Victoria Square
Birmingham B1 1BB
20th September 2024
Dear Planning Committee,
Planning Application Number: 2024/04774/PA
I am writing to object to planning application 2024/04774/PA for a change of use of 28 Danesbury Crescent, Kingstanding, Birmingham, B44 0QP from a dwellinghouse (Use Class C3) to a 4-bedroom HMO (Use Class C4).
The Council are well aware of my concerns regarding the existing over-concentration of HMOs within my Birmingham Erdington constituency. Their own estimate found that there were 194 HMOs in Kingstanding ward in July 2022 and 1,228 in the wider area of my constituency. Surely, this proposal would therefore go against the Council’s own objective to create balanced communities.
I believe the proposal conflicts with the Birmingham Development Plan, which requires new residential developments to respect the character and appearance of the surrounding area, protect the amenity of existing and future residents, and avoid overdevelopment or overcrowding of the site. I am very well aware of the current use, but this change would make it difficult to revert the property back to a family home in the future. At a time when the Council are already struggling with the provision of family homes, I do not see why they would seek to facilitate another loss.
I have been contacted by residents who share these concerns, who have explained to me their worries that a non-residential property impacting the character and appearance of the area would erode the sense of cohesion in their community. They tell me that they are alarmed at the way the property is currently being managed, the years of anti-social behaviour they have already suffered and worry that these proposals would only exacerbate these issues.
I am also concerned that the application does not seek to change the fact that there are currently no parking spaces at the property which would not adequately accommodate the future inhabitants.
I am therefore asking the Council to reconsider these plans which would see the potential loss of a family home, and I want to again make clear my total objection to planning application 2024/04774/PA. I have also enclosed a petition containing 256 signatures from local residents who share my concerns.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Paulette Hamilton MP